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Blessed Carlo Acutis Journey To Sainthood

Canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis: Second Miracle Recognized

Blessed Carlo Acutis' Journey to Sainthood

On May 23, 2024, Pope Francis recognized the second miracle needed for the canonization of Blessed Carlo Acutis, an Italian teenager who died of leukemia in 2006.

The Miracle Attributed to Blessed Carlo Acutis

The miracle recognized by the Vatican involves a woman from Costa Rica who was cured of a rare pancreatic disease after praying for the intercession of Blessed Acutis.

Carlo Acutis: A Role Model for the Digital Age

Blessed Carlo Acutis is known for his devout faith and his innovative use of the internet to spread the Catholic faith. He created a website to document Eucharistic miracles and share stories of saints online.

His life serves as a reminder that the internet can be a powerful tool for good, fostering spiritual growth and sharing the Gospel.

The First Millennial Saint

If canonized, Blessed Carlo Acutis would become the first millennial to be declared a saint. His canonization would be a significant milestone for the Catholic Church, demonstrating the relevance of the Church's message to the younger generation.
